Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Something that makes me go hmm...

The spouse and I go to the movies pretty often, that's no big secret. But something's been bothering me at the openings of movies at the
Cinemark multiplex. Cinemark's mascot is Front Row Joe. He's the cat that appears in their commercials and movie intros. Joe's paramour is Popcorn Penny and the current preview show has Penny selling a ticket to Joe, selling popcorn to Joe and then appearing onscreen in a dancing routine where she reaches out and pulls Joe into the routine with her.

Here's what confuses me- when Joe gets pulled into the Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers scene, dressed in a spiffy tux, he's barefoot while his beautifully begowned partner Penny is wearing pumps... Why is that?

And why does Penny, being a cat character have 2 distinctive, perky breasts? Don't cats have 8 nipples? Hmm? I'm just asking.

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